Stepladder Platform

Certified to both BSEN131 and BS2037 Same features as the swingback ladder but in addition has a large working plarform. E2215 4 Tread E2216 5 Tread E2217 6 Tread E2218 7 Tread E2219 8 Tread E2220 10 Tread E2221 12 Tread
Product code: E2215 - E2221
 See invidudual items



Certified to both BSEN131 and BS2037 Same features as the swingback ladder but in addition has a large working plarform.

Technical characteristics

  • Product model
  • E2215 - E2221
  • Product code
  • E2215 - E2221


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Product code:
E2215 - E2221
  See invidudual items
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